Sharon was trained in Structural Integration by Dr. Rolf in 1970 and trained in Rolf Movement in 1971 with Judith Aston. She has gone on to pioneer fascial work for scars and bones. She teaches continuing education Workshops on the subjects of ScarWork, BoneWork, Integrating the Cranium, and The Art of Rolfing. for more information about Sharon you can visit: |
BONE WORK Volunteers with all kinds of broken or mangled bones are most welcome. Anyone with Old breaks or new breaks. We want to work on any problems with the bones of the face or skull, collar bone, arms, legs, ribs, pelvis, and we even appreciate breaks in fingers and toes. We are especially looking for badly healed breaks, breaks that have created a range of motion limitation, and broken bones that have become larger from the healing process. Replacement parts, and hardware like plates and pins. Below are the slot details. Nov 20, 2014 Thursday 1000-1200 1400-1600 1600-1800 Nov 21, 2014 Friday 1000-1200 |
SCAR WORK Anybody with scars that need work. Can be any kind of scars, including burn scars. The more complex and varied the better, as this gives Sharon the chance to teach how to work with all kinds of scar tissue. Scars can be old or as new as two months old. We would like to have scars from a variety of surgeries including appendix, open heart, c-section, hysterectomy, tummy tuck, kidney, gall bladder, breast surgery, back, knee, or hip surgery. Multiple scars are welcomed, natural scars such as dog bites or glass cuts Replacement joints with hardware in — such as titanium plates and screws. . Even small scars are appreciated by the students. Below are the slot details. Nov 25, 2014 Tuesday 1400-1600 1600-1800 Nov 26, 2014 Wednesday 1000-1200 1500-1700 |
Time slots are given on a first-come, first-served basis. You can Email/Whatsapp/ SMS me your preferred time slots with your contact details (phone and email), and I'll let you know if they're still available, and if not, what is available.